Basel´s Buvettes along the banks of the Rhine – a map illustration
If you visit Basel, Switzerland in the summer months, there are two things you must do:
1.Swim in the Rhine
The summer in Basel is hot, vibrant and full of life. The people in this beautiful city spent their spare time outside and everybody gathers at and in Rhine. „Rheinschwimmen“ (swimming in Rhine) is very popular and during the summer months you can see thousands of people swimming.
2.Relax and unwind on one of the Basel Buvettes
After the swim it is relaxing time and the locals love to grab a refreshing drink or some delicious food at the buvettes along the river. A buvette is a kind of kiosk, bar or café mostly in a container which sells beverage and food. Every year the buvettes are build up in the beginning of spring and they remain there till the fall begins. Sometimes you can listen to a small improvised concert of street musicians.

Spot illustrations

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